Our cities of today are poorly prepped for advancements in lifestyle and technology. This heightens in relation to the coverage of everyday mobility scenarios. For organizations and individuals in this sector, profitability is hampered by the inability to plan with real-time and accurate data. For city planning organizations and researchers, a full grasp of operational-level usage of regular navigation and freightage facilities is impossible with current solutions.
In this whitepaper, we presented a well-researched delivery of the current situation and the major contributors to these issues. We previewed AiGO AI as a comprehensive solution to current and future human mobility challenges. Our solution is driven by the need to fix possible hitches in this area and improve human transportation, urban expansion, and profitability for for-profit players in this sector while delivering tangible rewards to everyone who plays a role in our mission.
With our starting partnerships and future collaborations, we will pursue the realization of everything discussed in this context. We will continue to evaluate the situation and plug in our solution(s) everywhere possible. The AiGO AI is also subject to optimizations and advancements in the future to stay increasingly relevant in the sector.
Disclaimer: Development priorities, roadmaps, and features are subject to radical overhaul based on research, traction, feedback from the community. The paper itself subject to be change when needed.
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